
时间:2008-07-04 08:32:44 来源:英语学习网站


China should shoulder a larger share of U.N. dues to better reflect its growing economic might and clout within the world body, Japan said Wednesday in a new proposal that would lower Tokyo's own contributions.

It is the second time this year that Japan has suggested that regional rival and permanent council member China boost its fees contributions. Under the proposal, Germany and permanent council member Russia would also increase their contributions.

由报道中的“share of UN dues”(联合国会费份额),我们暂把注意力转到“dues”的用法。日常生活中,若你是某俱乐部、某协会的会员,向组织交纳的“会费”就可用dues来形容(注意,此时的due必须是复数形式),如“membership dues”(会员费)。

Due做形容词时,与“会费”相应的词义是“应付的、欠付的”,常放置于被修饰词之后,如:a letter with five cents postage due(一封欠资5分的信件);the amount still due(尚欠额)。


